alphabetical author index

Samuel French Inc. - A Concord Theatricals Company

Burlesque Humor Revisited Business as Usual Business Proposal, The
Butler Did It, Singing, The Butler Did It, The Butterflies Are Free
Cabo San Lucas Cactus Flower Caddie Woodlawn
Cadillac Crew Cake, The Calculated Risk
California Odyssey California Schemin' California Suite
Caligula Callback Cambodian Rock Band
Camille (Ludlam) Candida (Harris) Candide
Candy Heart Capone Captain Rockets Versus the Intergalactic Brain-Eaters
Captive Cardboard Piano Cartoon (Yockey)
Case for the Existence of God, A Cat Lady Cat's Meow, The
Cat's-Paw Catch - 22 Catch Me If You Can (Weinstock & Gilbert)
Catholic School Girls Caught in the Villain's Web or More Sinned Against Than Sinning Cemetery Club, The
Chaim's Love Song Chairs, The (Ionesco/Allen) Chamber Music
Chapter Two Charles Busch's Cleopatra Charley's Aunt
Chasing Manet Cheaters Cheatin'