alphabetical author index

Samuel French Inc. - A Concord Theatricals Company

Birdbath Birthday (Skillman) Birthday Boy
Birthday Candles Birthday Club Bite Me
Black and Silver Black Jack: The Thief of Possession Blackberry Winter
Blame It On Beckett Blast Radius: Part 2 of The Honeycomb Trilogy Bleeding Kansas
Blind Dating Blood at the Root Blood Wedding (Dewell/Zapata, trans.)
Blood Wedding (Lujan/O'Connell, trans.) Blue Window Blue Wizard / Black Wizard
Blue Yonder Blues for Mister Charlie Bomb-itty of Errors, The
Bone Chiller! Book of Grace, The Books
Booze and Kisses Boston Theater Marathon 5 Boys in the Band, The (2018 Revised Version)
Boys in the Band, The (Original Version) Br'er Cotton Brace Yourself
Brave Smiles...Another Lesbian Tragedy Breakfast of Champions Bridal Dance
Bright New Boise, A Brighton Beach Memoirs Broadway Babylon
Broadway Bound Brown Face Buddy Cop 2
Bull in a China Shop Bull In a China Shop Bullets for Broadway
Bullshot Crummond Bulrusher Bums