alphabetical author index

Samuel French Inc. - A Concord Theatricals Company

Love Affair, A Love Bites (Cummings) Love is a Blue Tick Hound
Love List, The Love Person Love Song of Saul Alinsky, The
Love Songs: A Musical Love Town Love, Lies & The Doctor's Dilemma
Love, Noël: The Letters and Songs of Noël Coward Love...Or Best Offer lovely violent ghost haiku, a
Lovers and Other Strangers Lower Depths, The LUCK! A Musical
lucky Lucky Man Lucy and the Mystery of the Vine Encrusted Mansion
Lunch Luther Lydia
Lynette at 3:00 AM Machiavelli (Nigro) Machiavelli and Other Plays
Mack and Mabel Mad Breakfast. A Make Believe
Makeover, The Makin' It Making Nice
Mala Hierba Malefactor's Bloody Register, The Mama's Boy
Mamalogues, The Mamet Women Man Cave
Man in the Flying Lawn Chair Man in the Gray Suit and Other Plays, The (Collection) Man in the Gray Suit, The (One-Act)
Man Who Couldn't Dance, The Man with the Plastic Sandwich, The Man's Best Friend
Many Wondrous Realities of Jasmine Starr-Kidd, The Maple and Vine March of the Falsettos