alphabetical author index

Samuel French Inc. - A Concord Theatricals Company

Clown Bar Christmas Clowns Clue: The Musical
Coarse Acting Show 2, The Cockeyed Collective Dating
Collective Rage: A Play in Five Betties Come Back for Light Refreshments After the Service Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean
Come Back, Come Back, Wherever You Are Come Blow Your Horn Come to the Garden
Commencing Complete Works of Jane Austen, Abridged, The Comrades
Confederates Confession (Bishop, Fuller) Confession of Lily Dare, The
Conquest of Everest, The Contempt of Court Convent, The
Cook, The Cool Dip in the Barren Saharan Crick, A Cooley Girls, The
Copies Cornelia Corsicana
Cotton Girls Could I Have This Dance? Country Girls
Coupla White Chicks Sitting Around Talking, A Couple of Blaguards, A Covenant
Cover of Life, The Coyote Tales Crawl, Fade to White
Crazy House Creative Dating Creature
Creature Creeps!, The Crocodile (Nigro) Crooked
Crossing Delancey Crouching Santa, Hidden Reindeer Crucifer of Blood, The