alphabetical author index

Samuel French Inc. - A Concord Theatricals Company

Maple and Vine March of the Falsettos Maria/Stuart
Marian, or The True Tale of Robin Hood Marian, or The True Tale of Robin Hood: Teen Edition Marie and Rosetta
Marie Antoinette Mariela in the Desert Marilyn/God
Marjorie Prime Mark Twain's The Diaries of Adam and Eve Marriage is Murder
Mary Jane Mary Page Marlowe Mary, Mother of God, Intercede for Us
Mashed Potatoes and Davey Masked Masterpiece
Masterpiece of Comic... Timing!, A Matchmaker, The Matt & Ben
Mauritius Maytag Virgin Medea (Jefers, trans.)
medusa Medusa Undone Meet Mr. C.
Meg Men in Suits Men in Suits: 3 Plays About the Mafia
Mental Reservations Mercy (Szymkowicz) Merry Me
Merry-Go-Round Gift, The Metamorphosis, The - A Play Meteor Shower
Middle Class Middle Class, Too Middletown
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, The Midsummer/Jersey Milk (DeVoti)
Milk and Water Milk Like Sugar Millicent Scowlworthy