alphabetical author index

Samuel French Ltd. - A Concord Theatricals Company

Inspector Drake's Last Case Interior Designs Interior: Panic (A One-Act Play)
Intimate Exchanges: Volume I Invention of Love, The Invisible Friends
Iris Irma La Douce It Could Be Any One of Us
It Runs in the Family Jab Jack the Ripper
James and the Giant Peach Jane Eyre (Hall) Jeannie
Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell Jewish Wife, The (Willett) Joining the Club
Joking Apart Jollies, The Journey's End
Joyce Grenfell Sketches Judas Kiss, The Judge's Wife, The
Julius and Cleopatra Jumpers Jumpy
Jungle Book (Hartoch), The Jungle Book, The (Power) Juno and the Paycock
Just Between Ourselves Just the Ticket Just the Ticket!
Kappa Karagula Karamazoo
Ken Ludwig's Lend Me A Tenor Key For Two Kidnap Game, The
Kids Kill Thy Neighbour Killing of Sister George, The
Killymuck Kin Kind of Alaska, A