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Hilarious Hillbilly Massacre, The

The Birchbumble family, a wild and fun loving clan from deep in the hills of Tennessee, is having a family reunion and you, being a close relative, are invited.

  • Full Length Play
  • Comedy

  • Set Requirements: Interior Set
The Birchbumble family, a wild and fun loving clan from deep in the hills of Tennessee, is having a family reunion and you, being a close relative, are invited.

Everyone is promised a hog slappin' good time. However, before the moonshine starts flowin', evil befalls the festivities. A barbaric I.R.S. agent crashes the party and demands that the Birchbumbles pay all the back taxes they owe or the government will confiscate the premises immediately. The Birchbumbles don't take easily to threats, so the agent is bumped off.

There's more murder and mayhem and lots of merriment as the Birchbumbles stage their own auditions for Hee Haw. Talent like theirs must be seen to be believed. Be sure to attend this long awaited reunion. It may be the last chance you have to party with the "in bred" crowd.

  • Casting: 3M, 3F

  • HUCK BIRCHBUMBLE - loud, fun-loving, yet henpecked husband/brother of Gardenia
    GARDENIA BIRCHBUMBLE - staunch, tobacco-chewing matriarch of the Birchbumble family.
    SALLY MAE BIRCHBUMBLE - cute, overly feminine daughter of Gardenia and Gardenia's first husband, Johnny Bedmaster; now adopted by Huck.
    MARY LOU EMMA JO BOBBY SUE - mixed-up offspring from incestuous relationship between Gardenia and her maternal uncle Huck. (Best played by a man in drag.)
    JETHRO BRYLCREAM - dumb moonshiner's son; a not-so-smooth womanizer.
    CLEMENTINE SERENDIPITY - bitter yuppie-type I.R.S. agent.
    PATTY SERENDIPITY - Clementine's efficient and tough twin sister; currently employed by the F.B.I. (Same actress as Clementine.)
  • Name Price
    Hilarious Hillbilly Massacre, The Script Order Now

    The Birchbumble family, a wild and fun loving clan from deep in the hills of Tennessee, is having a family reunion and you, being a close relative, are invited.

    Everyone is promised a hog slappin' good time. However, before the moonshine starts flowin', evil befalls the festivities. A barbaric I.R.S. agent crashes the party and demands that the Birchbumbles pay all the back taxes they owe or the government will confiscate the premises immediately. The Birchbumbles don't take easily to threats, so the agent is bumped off.

    There's more murder and mayhem and lots of merriment as the Birchbumbles stage their own auditions for Hee Haw. Talent like theirs must be seen to be believed. Be sure to attend this long awaited reunion. It may be the last chance you have to party with the "in bred" crowd.
