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Bottom's Dream

  • Alan Poole
  • Full Length Play, Drama, 16th Century / Elizabethan
  • 8M, 6F, 10M or F
  • ISBN: 9780573120268

Who dreamt the Midsummer Night's Dream? What were the reactions of the Artisans' relatives to their play-acting activities?

  • Full Length Play
  • Drama

  • Time Period: 16th Century / Elizabethan
  • Set Requirements: Bare Stage/Simple Set
Who dreamt the Midsummer Night's Dream? What were the reactions of the Artisans' relatives to their play-acting activities? The author considers the play from the point of Bottom -- and the women as members of the audience. Bottom and his wife are discovered settling down for the night -- as twelve o'clock strikes, Bottom dreams a "most rare vision." All the Artisan scenes are preserved intact -- but here the women also have their say.

  • Casting: 8M, 6F, 10M or F
  • Casting Attributes: Flexible casting

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Who dreamt the Midsummer Night's Dream? What were the reactions of the Artisans' relatives to their play-acting activities? The author considers the play from the point of Bottom -- and the women as members of the audience. Bottom and his wife are discovered settling down for the night -- as twelve o'clock strikes, Bottom dreams a "most rare vision." All the Artisan scenes are preserved intact -- but here the women also have their say.
