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The Invisible Dragon

Everyone was happy because they were trying to make everyone else happy -- except the princess. She wasn't happy because all she could think about was herself.

  • One Act
  • Comedy
  • 45 minutes

  • Target Audience: Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Children (Age 6 - 10)
  • Set Requirements: Exterior Set

  • Performance Group:
  • Community Theatre, College Theatre / Student, High School/Secondary
Everyone was happy because they were trying to make everyone else happy -- except the princess. She wasn't happy because all she could think about was herself.

A visiting prince isn't happy either because what he wants is to slay a dragon and there just aren't any around. The stage manager steps into this situation with a dragon tail which he waves from behind a bush. Then the princess, moved by strange emotions, does something extremely unselfish. She puts herself out as dragon-bait to give the prince his longed-for opportunity.

  • Casting: 3M, 2F, 1M or F
  • Casting Attributes: Room for Extras

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The Invisible Dragon Script Order Now

Everyone was happy because they were trying to make everyone else happy'except the princess. She wasn't happy because all she could think about was herself. A visiting prince isn't happy either because what he wants is to slay a dragon and there just aren't any around. The stage manager steps into this situation with a dragon tail which he waves from behind a bush. Then the princess, moved by strange emotions, does something extremely unselfish. She puts herself out as dragon-bait to give the prince his longed-for opportunity. One ext. set.
