alphabetical author index

Mystery of Baby Leah, The

  • Tom Frye
  • Short Play, Melodrama
  • 6M, 3F, 1M or F
  • ISBN: 9780573663000

Involves an Indian raid, the three wise men from the Nativity, a mute heroine wearing ruby slippers and an outlandish cowboy in pink attire. Yes it’s a simple story of the old West.

  • Short Play
  • Melodrama

Involves an Indian raid, the three wise men from the Nativity, a mute heroine wearing ruby slippers and an outlandish cowboy in pink attire. Yes it’s a simple story of the old West.

Published in the Mosley Street Melodrama, Vol. 1.

  • Casting: 6M, 3F, 1M or F