...Melodrama fans are happily cheering it again. The Lost Samantha Treasure is terrific fare for the whole family.
Jacqueline Boudreau, Wichita Old Town Gazette
The Lost Samantha Treasure is nothing if not memorable' - and hysterical. Frye has certainly penned a good one this time around, tossing some of the more well-used melodrama jokes out the window in favor of a humor that requires timing and talent.
Sharon Faith Levin Wichita Old Town Gazette
...Melodrama fans are happily cheering it again. The Lost Samantha Treasure is terrific fare for the whole family.
Jacqueline Boudreau Wichita Old Town Gazette
Like most modern melodrama scripts, Frye's Samantha is pretty much just a vehicle for slapstick silliness, but the dialogue in this one is darned funny...Frye had a blast...the d'enouement...features Saturday Night Fever - style dance numbers. The audience certainly enjoyed watching the show the evening I attended.
Terri Mott F5 Newspaper