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Norse Mythology Ragnasplosion, The (full-length)

  • Don Zolidis
  • Full Length Play, Comedy
  • 3M, 3F, 3M or F
  • ISBN: PS3148

You may think you know Thor and Loki, but if you take a whirlwind tour through Norse mythology, their adventures are even funnier and weirder than anything you've seen onscreen.

  • Full Length Play
  • Comedy
  • 120 minutes

  • Target Audience: Appropriate for all audiences
  • Set Requirements: Unit Set/Multiple Settings, Bare Stage/Simple Settings

  • Performance Group:
  • High School/Secondary, College Theatre / Student, Jr High/Primary, Community Theatre
You may think you know Thor and Loki, but if you take a whirlwind tour through Norse mythology, their adventures are even funnier and weirder than anything you've seen onscreen.

Two battling narrators lead a madcap dash from Loki's struggle to find daycare for his giant wolf son, to the woes of the boar who gets eaten at a feast every day, to the warriors chosen to go to Valhalla by the Valkyries in a full Bachelor rose ceremony. It all leads up to an epically silly Ragnarok battle full of rapid-fire character switching you won't soon forget.

This wild and wonderful jaunt through Norse mythology is the most fun you can have with the apocalypse.

A one-act version of this play is also available.

  • Casting: 3M, 3F, 3M or F
  • Casting Notes: 6-60 actors possible: 3-57 F, 3-57 M

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Norse Mythology Ragnasplosion, The (full-length) Script Order Now

You may think you know Thor and Loki, but if you take a whirlwind tour through Norse mythology, their adventures are even funnier and weirder than anything you've seen onscreen.

Two battling narrators lead a madcap dash from Loki's struggle to find daycare for his giant wolf son, to the woes of the boar who gets eaten at a feast every day, to the warriors chosen to go to Valhalla by the Valkyries in a full Bachelor rose ceremony. It all leads up to an especially silly Ragnarok battle full of rapid-fire character switching you won't soon forget.

This wild and wonderful jaunt through Norse mythology is the most fun you can have with the apocalypse.

This play is also available in a one-act edition.
