This musical adaptation of C.S. Lewis's classic children's story is the tale of four children evacuated from London during the Blitz to stay with the Professor.
Name | Price |
Perusal Material
Shipped immediately. This is optional.
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1 x Piano Rehearsal Score |
$24.00 |
This is optional.
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The LIBRETTO is available for SALE ONLY and is not available for hire. It must be purchased separately and is available through our office. |
$24.95 |
Rehearsal Material
Shipped a minimum of 1 month before the last performance. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.
Piano Rehearsal Score |
$25.00 +$25.00/pm |
Orchestral Material
Shipped a minimum of 1 month before the last performance. This is optional.
Flute |
$130.00 +$60.00/pm |