Back Story is a two-character play written in 19 scenes by 18 playwrights and illuminates various episodes in the young lives of Ainsley and Ethan Belcher.
- Time to Think, Joan Ackerman
- Good Morning to the Horse, Craig Lucas
- What Became of the Polar Bear, Mayo Simon
- The Reluctant Instrument, Neena Beber
- Ethan's Got Get, Edwin Senchez
- Trying to Get There, Edwardo Machado
- Maid of Athens, David Rambo
- Moby Ethan at the Sculptor's Museum, Constance Congdon
- Turn Down, Shirley Lauro
- Misadventure, Donald Margulies
- Something To Do With Bolivia, Jon Klein
- Or Maybe Not, Adele Edling Shank
- Dead Men Make No Dollars, Val Smith
- The Deal, Jane Martin
- Blackfish, Courtney Baron
- Star Skating, John Olive
- Barbara Live at Canyon Ranch, Tanya Palmer
- Introducing Dad, Susan Miller
- Norman Rockwell's Thanksgiving in the Year 2000, Joan Ackermann
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Back Story is a two-character play written in 19 scenes by 18 playwrights. Back Story illuminates various episodes in the young lives of Ainsley and Ethan Belcher. When Ethan is born in the worst blizzard of the century, his 2-year-old sister, Ainsley, nearly sacrifices a toe trying to clear a path for the baby's arrival. That initial gesture of devotion blossoms into a tale of sibling loyalty, rivalry and love that spans two decades. Inspired by Joan Ackermann's narrative Back Story, each of the 18 playwrights in this collective creation puts a distinctive spin on Ainsley's and Ethan's amusing and poignant struggles with life, each other, and the phantom dad who left them for the wilds of Alaska. Unit set. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. |
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