alphabetical author index

Where Are You Going, Hollis Jay?

College freshmen meet and she succeeds in getting him to ask her out. We hear what he thinks as well as what he says and there's a great difference between the two.

  • Short Play
  • Comedy

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Cautions: No Special Cautions
College freshmen meet and she succeeds in getting him to ask her out. We hear what he thinks as well as what he says and there's a great difference between the two. Then the tables are turned and Ellie's thoughts are heard as their relationship grows.


"Fresh and interesting. He never writes a trite line."

 L.A. Hearald-Examiner

  • Casting: 1M, 1F

  • Name Price
    Where Are You Going, Hollis Jay? Script This is optional. Order Now

    College freshmen meet and she succeeds in getting him to ask her out. We hear what he thinks as well as what he says and there's a great difference between the two. Then the tables are turned and Ellie's thoughts are heard as their relationship grows.
