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Day of Reckoning

  • Pam Valentine
  • Full Length Play, Drama, Contemporary
  • 1M, 7F
  • ISBN: 9780573018060

A committee meets on a winter's night to arrange the summer village fete. As protocol gives way to bickering and gossip, the personalities of those present emerge.

  • Full Length Play
  • Drama

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Set Requirements: Interior Set
A committee meets on a winter's night to arrange the summer village fete. As protocol gives way to bickering and gossip, the personalities of those present emerge: busybody Ethel; Pauline, the vicar's long-suffering wife; careworn Gloria; horsy Marjorie who is very attentive to the shy new teach, Angela; elderly Mavis and Sally, the brisk army wife.

Six months on, the cathartic events of the fete are related with humour and pathos, and the upbeat ending affirms the enduring value of village life. 

  • Casting: 1M, 7F

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Day of Reckoning Script Order Now

A committee meets on a winter's night to arrange the summer village fete. As protocol gives way to bickering and gossip, the personalities of those present emerge: busybody Ethel; Pauline, the vicar's long-suffering wife; careworn Gloria; horsy Marjorie who is very attentive to the shy new teach, Angela; elderly Mavis and Sally, the brisk army wife.

Six months on, the cathartic events of the fete are related with humour and pathos, and the upbeat ending affirms the enduring value of village life. 
