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Influencer Nation: A Stay-At-Home Play
Stay-At-Home Collection

Influencer Nation is a hilarious whirlwind journey through the most outrageous corners of online culture. So smash that subscribe button!

  • Short Play
  • Comedy
  • 25 minutes

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Teen (Age 14 - 18)

  • Performance Group:
  • High School/Secondary
Two uptight public-television hosts find themselves broadcasting live from their nightmares when they are forced to sit down with some of the internet's most ridiculous influencers. The confused duo soon find themselves interviewing internet stars who've made their mark in everything from terrible song parodies, to perplexing makeup tutorials, to unhinged conspiracy theories about popular cookies.

Influencer Nation is a hilarious whirlwind journey through the most outrageous corners of online culture. So smash that subscribe button!

  • Casting: 10M or F