alphabetical author index

Chicago: Teen Edition

Adapted in collaboration with iTheatrics, Kander & Ebb's legendary and award-winning musical about fame, fortune and acquittal is now widely available to be performed by High Schools across the world.

Adapted to be content-appropriate and flexible, Chicago: Teen Edition has been adapted to remove overtly sexual reference, adult language and can be performed by larger and smaller casts. Delivered as a Show Pack, Chicago: Teen Edition suits all experience levels, features handy tips and tricks for directing and a guide for students.

  • Full Length Musical
  • Backing Tracks, Comedy
  • 90 minutes

  • Time Period: 1920s
  • Target Audience: Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Teen (Age 14 - 18), Senior, Adult
  • Orchestra Size: Large

  • Performance Group:
  • High School/Secondary, Youth/Camp Programs
In roaring twenties Chicago, chorine Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband, Amos, to take the rap... until he finds out he's been duped and turns on Roxie. Convicted and sent to death row, Roxie and another "Merry Murderess," Velma Kelly, vie for the spotlight and the headlines, ultimately joining forces in search of the "American Dream": fame, fortune, and acquittal.

Changes made for the Teen Edition:
(1) Removal of adult language and overtly sexual references.
(2) Removal of "Class" and "A Little Bit of Good"
(3) Transposed keys to better accommodate teen voices

A NOTE ON ADVERTISING: Physical advertising must be limited to on-campus publicity and yard signs; digital advertising must be limited to school websites and associated pages.


"A pulse racing revival that flies us right into musical heaven."

 The New York Times

"Wildly entertaining...[with a] dazzling score."

 New York Daily News

"As dazzling a demonstration of the craft of musical theatre as you're ever going to see on a Broadway stage."

 The New York Post

Premiere Production: Chicago first opened on Broadway at the 46th Street Theatre in New York City on June 3, 1975. The production, directed and choreographed by Bob Fosse, ran for 936 performances. On Nov 14, 1996, a revival of the show opened on Broadway at the Richard Rodgers Theatre. It latered transferred to Shubert Theatre, and then to the Ambassador Theatre, where, more than two decades later, it continues to run, logging nearly 10,000 performances.
  • Casting: 9M, 10F
  • Casting Attributes: Flexible casting, Room for Extras, Features Teens, Expandable casting, Strong Role for Leading Woman (Star Vehicle), Multicultural casting, Strong Role for Leading Man (Star Vehicle)
  • Chorus Size: Medium

  • VELMA KELLY: Female, 25-40 (Range: Alto, E3-D5)
    Vaudeville performer who is accused of murdering her sister and husband. Hardened by fame, she cares for no one but herself and her attempt to get away with murder.
  • ROXIE HART: Female, 20-30 (Range: Mezzo-Soprano, F3-B4)
    Reads and keeps up with murder trials in Chicago, and follows suit by murdering her lover, Fred Casely. She stops at nothing to render a media storm with one goal: to get away with it.
  • FRED CASELY: Male, 35-50 (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
    Roxie's short lived lover. Murdered for trying to leave Roxie.
  • SERGEANT FOGARTY: Male, 35-55 (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
    Assigned to Roxie's case. After asking the right questions, he manages to get Roxie to confess.
  • AMOS HART: Male, 35-50 (Range: Baritone, C3-F#4)
    Roxie's faithful husband. Lies for her and tries to take the blame until he realizes that he has been two-timed by Roxie. Still in love with her, or misguided, he believes anything she says in her pursuit to get out of jail.
  • LIZ: Female, 18-45 (Range: Ensemble/A3-C#5)
    Prisoner at Cook County Jail. She is imprisoned after firing two warning shots into her husband's head.
  • ANNIE: Female, 18-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)
    Prisoner at the Cook County Jail. Murders her lover after finding out he already has six wives. "One of the Mormons, ya'know."
  • JUNE: Female, 18-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)
    Prisoner at Cook County Jail. After her husband accuses her of screwing the milk man, he mysteriously runs into her knife ten times.
  • HUNYAK: Female, 25-45 (Range: Non-Singing Role)
    Hungarian Prisoner at Cook County Jail. The only English she speaks is the phrase, "Not Guilty." Which follows her to her grave.
  • MONA: Female, 18-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)
    Prisoner at Cook County Jail. Murders her lover after he has a round of affairs with other woman, and an occasional man. I guess you could say it was "artistic differences."
  • MARTIN HARRISON: Male, 35-55 (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
    Ensemble member who doubles as the Master of Ceremonies at times.
  • MATRON "MAMA" MORTON: Female, 30-50 (Range: Alto, F#3-Bb4)
    Leader of the prisoners of Cook County Jail. The total essence of corruption. Accepts bribes for favors from laundry service to making calls to lawyers. "When you're good to Moma, Moma's good to you."
  • BILLY FLYNN: Male, 35-50 (Range: Baritone, Bb2-G4)
    Established lawyer who hasn't lost a woman's case yet. Master of media manipulation who will get a girl off the hook as long as she can fork up the hefty $5,000 fee.
  • MARY SUNSHINE: Female, 25-55 (Range: Soprano, Bb3-Bb5)
    Sob sister reporter from the Evening Star. Believes there is a little bit of good in everyone and will believe anything she is fed that matches her beliefs.
  • GO-TO-HELL-KITTY: Female, 21-40 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)
    Steals the spotlight when she Murders her husband along with three other women. Her crimes are labelled "Lake Shore Drive Massacre."
  • HARRY: (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
    Murdered by Go-To-Hell-Kitty for sleeping around with three women behind her back.
  • AARON: (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
    Court appointed lawyer for Hunyak. He tries to get her to confess to speed along the trial.
  • JUDGE: Male, 40-65 (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
    Judge overseeing Roxie's Trial.
  • COURT CLERK: (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
    Swears people in with their hand on the bible. "Blah, Blah, Truth, Truth. Selp-you God."
  • Name Price
    Perusal Material Shipped immediately. This is optional. Order Now

    Libretto / Vocal Book

    Rehearsal Material Shipped upon receipt of a signed License Agreement and full payment of all invoices. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.

    30 x Student Scripts
    2 x Piano-Conductor's Scores
    1 x Production Guide
    1 x Digital Resource Pack

    Rehearsal Material Set Explained:

    Production Guide -- This guide walks you through the entire process of presenting this musical.

    Libretto/Vocal Book (Student Script) -- The Student Script is made up of the script and music. The book is broken into three sections. The first section is title "Theatre 101" and encourages your students to become familiar with the history of CHICAGO, guides students on how to best use their script, provides an overview of the rehearsal process, and includes a list of characters and a plot synopsis of the show. The second section of the Student Script is the script of the show, as adapted by iTheatrics for this collection. The Vocal Book, which includes all of the music sung in the show, is interpolated throughout the script so your students have the music right at their fingertips when a song starts. It's important to take the time to review the "Theatre 101" section of the Student Script with your students. By doing so, you will provide your students with the foundation and shared vocabulary necessary to successfully present this musical.

    Piano-Conductor's Score -- This score includes a piano reduction of the music for use during rehearsals or in performance, should you choose not to use the Accompaniment Tracks. Also included is specific information for the music director detailing the style of the music and how best to approach teaching and shaping the music for this production.

    $795.00 +$0.00/pm
    Stage|Tracks Shipped with (or after) Rehearsal Material. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.

    Stage|Tracks provides quality performance tracks for your production. With the best sounding tracks at an affordable price, Stage|Tracks will greatly enhance your production if you do not have live musicians to accompany the show. However, you should be advised that while Stage|Tracks provides quality performance tracks of the full orchestration, it is not recommended to be used alongside live musicians.

    Orchestral Material Shipped with (or after) Rehearsal Material. This is optional.


    Reed III (Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Soprano, Tenor & Baritone Saxophones)
    Trumpets I & II (2 books)
    Trombone I & II
    Percussion (Snare Drum, 3 Toms {High, Med., Low-Floor}, Bass Drum, Crash, Cymbal, Splash Cymbal, Hi Hats, Xylophone {2 notes: F & G}, Orchestra Bells or Glockenspiel, NBC Chimes {quasi Vibraphone}, Temple Blocks, Cow Bell, Triangle, Tambourine, Castanet Machine, Wood Block, Ratchet, Pop Gun, Siren Whistle {Acme}, Slide Whistle, Bike Horn, Clank {Metallic}
    Keyboard I (Piano, Harmonium)
    Keyboard II (Piano, Accordion)

    Show|Ready Shipped upon receipt of a signed License Agreement and full payment of all invoices. This is optional.

    With Show|Ready, you can virtually send your Musical Director home with each and every member of your cast! Show|Ready allows you to play a customizable rehearsal track of your show, complete with individual vocal parts and all dance breaks on a Mac, PC, and soon of your iOS device. Your musical director simply uploads any edits made at that day's rehearsal and your cast can access and download the newest version with all of the new changes! This enables your entire cast to rehearse correctly from the beginning, saving you valuable time and effort.

    With an intuitive, Show|Ready gives you complete control over which parts you hear, and lets you modify the key or tempo and cut, vamp, or repeat measuresas you please. All shows include the piano, bass, drum, and all vocal parts, as well as a sheet music viewer that automatically displays the piano/conductor score and changes the page as you listen and navigate throughout the show.
