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Why We Like Love Stories

  • Stephen Gregg
  • One Act, Drama, Comedy, Contemporary
  • 2M, 2F, 4M or F
  • ISBN: WJ6

In the hills above Pin Cushion, California, students go to talk of the world, flirt and yearn. It's a place where heartbreak awaits.

  • One Act
  • Drama, Comedy
  • 25 minutes

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Teen (Age 14 - 18)

  • Performance Group:
  • High School/Secondary, College Theatre / Student
In the hills above Pin Cushion, California, students go to talk of the world, flirt and yearn. It's a place where heartbreak awaits.

In a La Ronde-style chain, Chloe breaks up with her boyfriend, Crooper, devastating him. Months later, Crooper ineptly attempts to use a mathematical equation to break up with Jessica -- his girlfriend of seven months. She's furious, since she's in the middle of declaring her love for him. Months later, a calmer Jessica rebuffs Bark, who pines for her. But then things come full circle. Bark and Chloe --outsiders both-- take an awkward,fumbling-for-words walk in the hills. Chloe has a secret, and Bark's reaction to it gives them a surprising connection that, for the moment at least, promises a future.

Why We Like Love Stories
 is a wistful comedy about the things we learn from the people we love, even once they've left us. The play has four great parts -- and four great two-hander scenes -- for high-school actors, each written with Stephen Gregg's signature combination of intelligence, warmth and whimsy.

  • Casting: 2M, 2F, 4M or F

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Why We Like Love Stories Script Order Now

In the hills above Pin Cushion, California, students go to talk of the world, flirt and yearn. It's a place where heartbreak awaits.

In a La Ronde-style chain, Chloe breaks up with her boyfriend, Crooper, devastating him. Months later, Crooper ineptly attempts to use a mathematical equation to break up with Jessica -- his girlfriend of seven months. She's furious, since she's in the middle of declaring her love for him. Months later, a calmer Jessica rebuffs Bark, who pines for her. But then things come full circle. Bark and Chloe --outsiders both-- take an awkward,fumbling-for-words walk in the hills. Chloe has a secret, and Bark's reaction to it gives them a surprising connection that, for the moment at least, promises a future.

Why We Like Love Stories
 is a wistful comedy about the things we learn from the people we love, even once they've left us. The play has four great parts -- and four great two-hander scenes -- for high-school actors, each written with Stephen Gregg's signature combination of intelligence, warmth and whimsy.
