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If Today Is the First Day of the Rest of My Life, I'm In Real Trouble

  • James L. Seay
  • Full Length Play, Mystery/Thriller, Comedy, Present Day
  • 13M, 18F, 2M or F
  • ISBN: 9780874408393

The community college's advanced photography class is trapped in a mining ghost town by an avalanche.

  • Full Length Play
  • Mystery/Thriller, Comedy
  • 90 minutes

  • Time Period: Present Day
  • Target Audience: Teen (Age 14 - 18), Adult, Senior
  • Set Requirements: Interior Set

  • Performance Group:
  • Community Theatre, College Theatre / Student, High School/Secondary
The community college's advanced photography class is trapped in a mining ghost town by an avalanche. Help doesn't seem to be on the way either, as they discover they have gangsters holding a secret summit conference for their company!

Add a film cast and crew on location, and conflict is the name of the game! Everyone's claim of innocence are confounded, however, when a corpse appears, disappears, then turns up again and again.

  • Casting: 13M, 18F, 2M or F
  • Casting Attributes: Flexible casting

  • SKAGWAY KID - an ancient Sourdough
    NED BAKER - an assistant professor of graphic arts in his mid-twenties
    LAWRENCE BEESLEY - a student; a bit of a nerd
    BEEF JERKY - a very athletic and macho student
    WENDY WARREN - a student and an exceedingly pretty girl
    CINDY EVANS - another student, also exceedingly pretty
    JENNIFER IRWIN - another attractive co-ed
    IMELDA KOZLOVSKI - another attractive co-ed
    LAURIE LANE - yes, another attractive co-ed
    DOLLY HAINES - guess what? Another attractive co-ed
    JULIO COSTALDI - a suave leader of la Costa Nostra
    ICE-PICK CHARLIE - the enforcer of the mob
    HARRY - a corpse
    LORILEI GOODTHINGS - a beautiful and glamorous movie queen
    GRANITE STEELE - a macho beefcake leading man
    ANNE-MARIE - an exceptionally pretty, clean-cut and wholesome "girl-next-door" type
    COURTLAND BISHOP - a highly affected "Hollywood" director
    EDDIE - Granite Steele's stand-in for stunts and fights
    BERT KILLEN - plays movie heavies, but is just the opposite in real life
    SANDEE SHORE - a Hollywood sex goddess, something of a parody of Marilyn Monroe
    EDNA BARNES - a script girl
    ALLISON FRANKLYN - one of the lesser actresses, but a very attractive girl, none the less
    CAROL THOMAS - Courtland Bishops' "friend"
    MILDRED BARTLETTE - an extremely affected assistant director, very fond of Samuel Beckett and Bertolt Brecht, and of calling everybody "dahling"
    INSPECTOR CARRIGAN - a tough and somewhat arrogant Federal Agent in the mold of Jack Webb and Jack Lord with a bit of Broderick Crawford tossed in for seasoning
    SPECIAL AGENT DUNSWORTHY - Carrigan's assistant and toady
    MILLICENT CHESTER - a tough red-necked female sheriff
    ROXANNE & EDITH - her deputies
    DR. GRETCHEN VON SHRINKHEIMER - a psychiatrist of the Vienna School with a Katzenjammer Kids accent
    GLORIA VAN HOOTEN - an attendant at the Balmy Acres Rest Ranch
    INGRID BIRDSILL - another attendant at the Rest Ranch
  • Name Price
    If Today Is the First Day of the Rest of My Life, I'm In Real Trouble Script Order Now

    The community college's advanced photography class is trapped in a mining ghost town by an avalanche. Help doesn't seem to be on the way either, as they discover they have gangsters holding a secret summit conference for their company!

    Add a film cast and crew on location, and conflict is the name of the game! Everyone's claim of innocence are confounded, however, when a corpse appears, disappears, then turns up again and again.
