28 Mar
To celebrate ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER'S 70th birthday this month, we have some FREE COPIES of his newly released UNMAKSED: A MEMOIR and UNMASKED: THE PLATINUM COLLECTION to give away.
The Quiz is running on our Facebook page and on our Instagram account, so go over to one of these places to answer the questions for your chance to win.
1. Name the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical that each song is from:
a) Any Dream Will Do
b) I Don’t Know How To Love Him
c) Love Changes Everything
2. Name the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical that each character is in:
a) Old Deuteronomy
b) Eva Peron
c) Christine Daae
3. Who wrote the lyrics for these ALW musicals?
a) The Beautiful Game
b) By Jeeves
c) Whistle Down The Wind
4. Name 3 musicals that Tim Rice wrote with Andrew Lloyd Webber.
You can find our Facebook page here @OriginTheatrical and our Instagram account here @origintheatrical. Or search for Origin Theatrical on either.
Best of luck!!