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Popular titles for high school students
31 Jul

Whether you're looking for one-act plays, full length plays or musicals, this selection of shows will be sure to delight your students.
You'll find murder mysteries, comedies, battles for justice, Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, and stories of survival, courage, friendship and fantasy.

Werner Trieschmann
One Act, Mystery/Thriller, Comedy, Contemporary, 40 minutes
16M or F
Follow along -- if you dare -- as out misguided performers attempt to nail down those devilish British accents, understand what a red herring is, and figure out how to die onstage without looking all gross and stuff. Meanwhile, the director and stage manager, who really love dealing with the egomaniacs and lunatics in the cast, wouldn't really try to murder someone during the murder mystery. Would they?! 

Todd Logan
Full Length Play, Drama, 90 minutes
2M, 3F, 1M or F
In this case, the plaintiff is Ms. Wade, a professional black woman from the South Side of Chicago. The defendant is Mr. Golden, a successful North Shore businessman who is Jewish. The judge appoints the audience as the jury in the case which is not a simple "he said, she said." "Defamation" keeps the audience on their toes with twists and turns and challenges our preconceived notions about race, class, religion and even the law.  

Kent R. Brown
Full Length Play, Comedy, 90 minutes
5M, 6F, 30M or F
Can Dracula be vanquished before he devours all of London? With Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson on vacation, Shirley Holmes and Jennie Watson, the resourceful nieces of the famous detectives, step in to do battle with the prince of darkness.
There are bites and screams galore, vampires that bubble up in the sunlight, and an ending that will surprise even the savviest theatregoers. 

Eric Coble
Full Length Play, Drama, 70 minutes
4M, 4F
Jonas' world is perfect. Everything is under control and safe. There is no war or fear or pain. There are also no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the community. But when Jonas turns 12, he is chosen for special training from The Giver -- to receive and keep the memories of the community. 
Now Jonas will learn the truth about life -- and the hypocrisy of his Utopian world. Through this astonishing and moving adaptation, discover what it means to grow up, to grow wise, and to take control of your own destiny. 

Celeste Raspanti
Full Length Play, Drama, 1940s / WWII, 60 minutes
4M, 7F
Such, such a yellow Is carried lightly way up high. It went away I'm sure because / It wished to kiss the world goodbye. For seven weeks I've lived in here / Penned up inside this ghetto, But I have found my people here / The dandelions call to me And the white chestnut candles in the court. Only I never saw another butterfly.
Poet Paul Friedman, died at Auschwitz, 1944.

Stephen Gregg
One Act, Mystery/Thriller, Present Day, 35 minutes
"The arrival of any new Stephen Gregg play is cause for celebration in school theatre circles. Long known for his pitch-perfect young adult comedies, in The New Margo Gregg demonstrates his mastery of the mystery-thriller genre with a short play that will keep audiences guessing -- and not just whodunnit but whattheheckdidtheydo -- until the last tense moment." -- Don Corathers, editor, Dramatics

Terry Gabbard
One Act, Comedy, Drama, Contemporary, 45 minutes
7M, 7F
The unassuming location of a dock extending out onto a small lake serves as the backdrop for five different stories.The entire ensemble gathers on the dock together for the final scene. In a poetic epilogue, they all discover the true meaning of Our Place -- both comedic and tragic.

D.W. Gregory
Full Length Play, Drama, Comedy, 130 minutes
5M, 5F
In 1926, radium was a miracle cure, Madame Curie an international celebrity, and luminous watches the latest rage -- until the girls who painted them began to fall ill with a mysterious disease.
Called a "powerful" and "engrossing" drama by critics, Radium Girls offers a wry, unflinching look at the peculiarly American obsessions with health, wealth, and the commercialization of science.

By Brian Guehring. Based on the characters and mysteries by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Full Length Play, Drama, 70 minutes
7M, 5F, 13M or F
On a dare from her fellow street urchins, 14-year-old Wiggins tries to pickpocket a strange old man. Not only is Wiggins unsuccessful, but the old man, who is actually Sherlock Holmes in disguise, manages to take the gold ring in Wiggins' pocket and leave behind a note directing her where to go to get it back. Wiggins and Holmes must learn to trust each other as Wiggins and her group of street urchins help him solve two dangerous mysteries.

G. Riley Mills Ralph Covert. Based on the book by Eleanor Estes.
Full Length Musical, Drama, Contemporary, 65 minutes
5M, 5F
Wanda Petronski, a second-grader, lives way up in a shabby house in Boggins Heights, and she doesn't have any friends. Every day she wears a faded blue dress, which wouldn't be too much of a problem if she didn't tell her classmates that she had a hundred dresses at home -- all silk, all colors, velvet too. 
The Hundred Dresses is a timeless tale that explores the bonds of friendship, the willingness to be yourself and the courage that it takes to stand up to others -- even when you're standing alone.

Adapted by Christopher Sergel. From the book by S.E. Hinton.
Full Length Play, Drama, 120 minutes
10M, 8F
This is a play about young people who are not yet hopeless about latent decency in the midst of struggle. This entirely practical stage adaptation deals with real people, seen through the eyes of young Ponyboy, a Greaser on the wrong side of life, caught up in territorial battles between the have-it-made rich kids and his tough, underprivileged greaser family and friends.

Book and Lyrics by Suzan Zeder. Music and Lyrics by Harry Pickens.
Full Length Musical, Fantasy/Adventure, 60 minutes
3M, 1F, 4M or F
Set deep in the Tombigbee swamp, this classic tale of a very young boy with a very big fear is brought to new and vibrant life in this musical version of Wiley and the Hairy Man.
The story centers around a fatherless young boy, his conjure-woman mother, his faithful dog and the hairy man who haunts Wiley's days and dreams. An expandable chorus of swamp creatures creates various locations in sound and movement as Wiley sets forth alone to face his fears and to conquer his own lack of self-confidence. 

Book and Lyrics by Rachel Rockwell. Music and Lyrics by Michael Mahler.
Full Length Musical, Drama, Comedy, Contemporary, 80 minutes
6M, 4F
How can you march to the beat of your own drummer when you're still writing the song? Everyone's search for one's authentic self is at the heart of Wonderland: Alice's Rock & Roll Adventure.
Carroll's beloved, poetic tale of self-actualization is brought to life by a cast of actors/musicians who create an eclectic, live rock soundtrack as seven-and-a-half year old Alice searches for her own inner musical voice.

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