alphabetical author index

Nick Hern Books

Middlemarch Trilogy, The: Fred and Mary's Story Middlemarch Trilogy, The: The Doctor's Story Midnight (stage version)
Mighty Atoms Mikvah Project, The Mill on the Floss, The (stage version)
Milliner and the Weaver, The Mine Ministry of Lesbian Affairs, The
Mint Misandrist, The Misanthrope, The
Miser, The Miseryguts Miseryguts & Tartuffe
Misogynist Miss Julie Miss Julie (Drama Classics)
Miss Julie & Creditors Misterman misterman (2001 edition)
Mistress of Desires Misty Modest
Mogadishu Mojo Mojo Mickybo
Mojo Mickybo: Three Plays Moment Mongoose
Morte d'Arthur (stage version) Mosquitoes Mother Teresa is Dead
Mothers Against Mouth to Mouth Mr Foote's Other Leg
Mr Incredible Mr Incredible (VAULT version) Mr Kolpert
Mr Thomas Mud Multitudes
Multiverse is Gay!, The (Multiplay Drama) Mum Mumsy