alphabetical author index

Nick Hern Books

Speechless Spinning Spooky Action at a Distance (Multiplay Drama)
Spring Awakening St Nicholas St Petersburg
St Petersburg and other plays Stacy Stacy & Fanny and Faggot: two plays
Stanley Start Swimming Staying Alive
Steel Stephen Jeffreys: Plays Stolen Secrets
Stones in His Pockets Stones in His Pockets & A Night in November: Two Plays stoning mary
Stoopud Fucken Animals Stop/Over Stories
Strange Death of John Doe, The strangers, babies Strawberries in January
Strongbox, The Stuff Sucking Dublin
Sudden Violent Burst of Rain, A Sugar Baby Sugar Wife, The
Suitcase Kid, The (stage version) Summerfolk Sunrise
Sunset at the Villa Thalia Sunset Song (stage version) Suspicions of Mr Whicher, The (stage version)
Swallow Swallows and Amazons (stage version) Swansong
Sweet Science of Bruising, The Table Table Tennis Play, A
Take Me Away Taken Tale of Two Cities, A (stage version)