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Say Something Happened

  • Alan Bennett
  • Short Play, Drama, Contemporary
  • 1M, 2F
  • ISBN: 9780573122460

Eager but green June is despatched by the Council to register elderly people in the area.

  • Short Play
  • Drama

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Set Requirements: Interior Set
Eager but green June is despatched by the Council to register elderly people in the area. Mam and Dad are elderly and therefore must be in need of registering - but the able-bodied, street-wise couple have no intention of being registered. Increasingly desperate, June resorts to Mr. Farquharson's notes on Conduct of Interviews while no-nonsense Mam sorts her out!

Premiere Production: Say Something Happened was first presented on television by BBC2 on 17th December, 1982.
  • Casting: 1M, 2F

  • MAM
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    Say Something Happened Script Order Now

    Eager but green June is despatched by the Council to register elderly people in the area. Mam and Dad are elderly and therefore must be in need of registering - but the able-bodied, street-wise couple have no intention of being registered. Increasingly desperate, June resorts to Mr. Farquharson's notes on Conduct of Interviews while no-nonsense Mam sorts her out!
