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  • Harold Pinter
  • Sketches / Scenes, Sketches/Scenes
  • 2M
  • ISBN: 9780571160938

A coffee stall. The attendant and an old newspaper seller idly chat about a variety of pointless topics which probably mean little to either of them.

  • Sketches / Scenes
  • Sketches/Scenes

A coffee stall. The attendant and an old newspaper seller idly chat about a variety of pointless topics which probably mean little to either of them.

Contained in A Slight Ache.

  • Casting: 2M
  • Casting Attributes: All Male

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A coffee stall. The attendant and an old newspaper seller idly chat about a variety of pointless topics which probably mean little to either of them.

Contained in A Slight Ache.
