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Dirty Work at the Crossroads

  • Bill Johnson
  • Full Length Play, Melodrama
  • 3M, 7F
  • ISBN: 9780573601385

This play tells in laughable style the tear jerking story of Nellie Lovelace, an innocent country girl.

  • Full Length Play
  • Melodrama

  • Set Requirements: Exterior Set
  • Cautions: Alcohol
This play tells in laughable style the tear jerking story of Nellie Lovelace, an innocent country girl. Munro, the viper, has a wife in Ida Rhinegold, belle of the New Haven Music Halls, but that does not prevent him from pursuing Nellie and tearing her from the arms of her dying mother (whom he has poisoned). Nor does it prevent him from driving Adam Oakhart, the blacksmith's son, to drink, from blackmailing rich Mrs. Asterbilt, or from bewitching her daughter, Leonie. There are a number of places in the plot where old time songs are introduced. The text contains full directions for production. Suggestions for the music, all business tableaux, curtain calls, etc., are there. May be performed by all male or female casts which add to its mirth provoking possibilities.

  • Casting: 3M, 7F
  • Casting Notes: May be performed by all male or female casts.

  • NELLIE LOVELACE - typical heroine of a melodrama: beautiful, graceful, long blonde hair, and a lovely voice.
    ADAM OAKHART - a handsome but rugged son of the soil. All that a hero should be.
    IDA RHINEGOLD - big, buxom, dark, and vampirish. She should be on the plump side and able to sing old-time songs.
    MUNRO MURGATROYD - the villain, tall, dark, and handsome, with a deep throaty voice, beetling brows, side-burns, and a curled mustache.
    MOOKIE MAGUGGINS - the hired man, the comic relief, lanky, freckled, with red hair and a front tooth missing.
    WIDOW LOVELACE - a gentle old lady, white-haired, soft-spoken.
    MRS. ASTERBILT - a commanding dowager, bustle, big picture hat, long kid gloves, etc.
    LEONIE ASTERBILT - a sweet young thing with a bird-like manner, trips about the stage as if she were going to take wing. Should be able to sing.
    FLEURETTE - a burlesque French maid, coquettish, with dark, long lashes.
    LITTLE NELL - may be any age so long as she is small of stature. Lisping, childish, cute, should be able to sing.
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    Dirty Work at the Crossroads Script Order Now

    This play tells in laughable style the tear jerking story of Nellie Lovelace, an innocent country girl. Munro, the viper, has a wife in Ida Rhinegold, belle of the New Haven Music Halls, but that does not prevent him from pursuing Nellie and tearing her from the arms of her dying mother (whom he has poisoned). Nor does it prevent him from driving Adam Oakhart, the blacksmith's son, to drink, from blackmailing rich Mrs. Asterbilt, or from bewitching her daughter, Leonie. There are a number of places in the plot where old time songs are introduced. The text contains full directions for production. Suggestions for the music, all business tableaux, curtain calls, etc., are there. May be performed by all male or female casts which add to its mirth provoking possibilities.
