alphabetical author index


Ridley's Brokenville is written for a cast of seven. Set in a ruined city, a group of survivors gather round a sleeping child and try piecing together their stories.

  • Short Play
  • Drama

Brokenville features an unknown disaster, which has left seven characters with little knowledge of who they are or of what has happened. As an old woman and five teenagers begin to act out stories for a mute and frightened child, they begin to discover a little of who they were and what they can be.

This is contained in the collection "The Storyteller Sequence".

  • Casting: 4M, 3F
  • Casting Attributes: Features Children

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Brokenville features an unknown disaster, which has left seven characters with little knowledge of who they are or of what has happened. As an old woman and five teenagers begin to act out stories for a mute and frightened child, they begin to discover a little of who they were and what they can be.
