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Rock of Ages: Teen Edition

  • Chris D'Arienzo
  • Full Length Musical, Backing Tracks, Comedy, 1980s
  • 9M, 11F, 10M or F
  • ISBN: SFNY-9566

Rock of Ages: Teen Edition has been adapted by the author and iTheatrics to create a version ready for high schools. The unforgettable rock anthems have been adjusted for teen voices and some subject matter has been adjusted for appropriateness. Introduce your kids (and re-introduce the parents) to the face-melting guitar anthems of the 1980's in this hit Broadway musical!

  • Full Length Musical
  • Backing Tracks, Comedy
  • 120 minutes

  • Time Period: 1980s
  • Target Audience: Teen (Age 14 - 18)
  • Cautions: No Special Cautions

  • Performance Group:
  • High School/Secondary

  • Accolades:
  • Nominated! 5 Tony Awards including Best Musical
Is your high school ready to rock?

It's the tail end of the big, bad 1980s in Hollywood, and the party has been raging hard. Aqua Net, Lycra, Heavy Metal flow freely at one of the Sunset Strips last legendary venues, a place where legendary rocker Stacee Jaxx takes the stage and groupies line up for their chance at an autograph. Amidst the madness, aspiring rock star (and resident toilet cleaner) Drew longs to take the stage as the next big thing (and longs for small-town girl Sherri, fresh off the bus from Kansas with stars in her eyes). But the rock and roll fairy-tale is about to end when German developers sweep into town with plans to turn the fabled Strip into just another capitalist strip mall. Can Drew, Sherri and the gang save the strip -- and themselves -- before it's too late? Only the music of hit bands Styx, Journey, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake and more hold the answer.

Rock of Ages: Teen Edition has been adapted by the author and iTheatrics to create a version ready for high schools. The unforgettable rock anthems have been adjusted for teen voices and some subject matter has been adjusted for appropriateness. Introduce your kids (and re-introduce the parents) to the face-melting, guitar anthems of the 1980's in this hit Broadway musical.

Premiere Production:

Rock of Ages opened on Broadway on April 7, 2009 at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre, where it played for 2,328 performances. At the time of its closing, Rock of Ages was the 29th longest-running show in Broadway history.

  • Casting: 9M, 11F, 10M or F
  • Casting Attributes: Reduced casting (Doubling Possible), Room for Extras, Features Teens, Expandable casting
  • Casting Notes: Make sure your company knows that no role is small. Each performer will be called on to build the rockin' world of Rock of Ages: Teen Edition.

  • LONNY BARNETT - the dual role of omnipotent narrator and being the secondary male lead character within the story, with a storyline line that includes a bromance with Dennis. He is charming and funny guy who gets along with everyone. Cast an unflappable, magnetic performer with a strong tenor voice who can sing, act and has a great sense of humor.
  • JUSTICE CHARLIER - the owner of the Venus-A-Go-Go Dance Club. She's a smart woman who looks out for her girls. Cast a strong young lady with a warm, nurturing nature and a rockin' singing voice.
  • DENNIS DUPREE - the owner of The Bourbon Room. He's a bit older than the others and a little burnt out on the party scene. Cast someone with a big presence, strong acting skills and a good voice. Dennis should pair flawlessly with Lonny as the other half of their bromance.
  • DREW BOLEY - "just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit" who moved to L.A. to rock. Unfortunately, every rocker has to do his time, so Drew barbacks just to make rent. While the music and setting og the show is pre-1980s, Drew is a classic musical theatre archetype -- the nice guy with big dreams. The role requires an experienced performer with a solid tenor voice who can convey both a sweet, charming quality and fir the bill as a rocker.
  • SHERRIE CHRISTIAN - the female romantic lead and, like Drew, is a musical theatre archetype -- a sweet, small-town girl moves to the city to pursue a brighter future. She hopes to get her break in the acting business despite her parents' obvious disapproval. This is a perfect role for a performer a strong voice and solid acting skills. She should also pair well with Drew.
  • SHERRIE'S FATHER - the classic disapproving dad. Cast a young man who can play stern and imposing and someone who is comfortable singing a few solos.
  • SHERRIE'S MOTHER - more nurturing and sympathetic. Cast someone with maturity, warmth and a nice singing voice. Make sure that Sherrie's Father and Mother pair well together.
  • JOEY PRIMO - a secondary character with several great stage moments, including the classic line, "I poop money." Cast a young man who is fearlessly willing to make a total fool of himself and then sit back and enjoy his performance.
  • ANITA BATH - the Mayor's assistant who refuses to compromise on what she thinks is right. She leads a protest to save The Bourbon Room and, in the process, falls in love with Franz. Cast a young lady with a strong voice and who can convey a real sense of protest and conviction.
  • MAYOR - chooses the money over the music and is more than willing to sell himself and his city out to the highest bidder. This role can be played by a guy or a girl; just make sure your actor has a strong speaking voice and is comfortable making bold choices.
  • HILDA KLINEMAN - a German real estate developer who has her eyes on turning the Sunset Strip into a strip mall. With her son Franz by her side, Hilda won't take no for an answer. Cast a young lady with a strong speaking and singing voice who can make bold acting choices and has a great sense of comedic timing.
  • FRANZ KLINEMAN - the son of the overbearing Hilda, and he dreams of running a confectionery shop back in Hamburg. Cast a young man with a sweet demeanor, a good singing voice and solid acting skills.
  • STACEE JAXX - the comedic villain of the show, is a bona fide rock star who doesn't realize through his selfish and wild antics that he's reached the peak of his career. Cast a charismatic performer with an excellent voice who can command the stage and make a self-absorbed rock star both villainous and hilarious.
  • WAITRESS #1, #2 and #3 - work at The Bourbon Room and exemplify the era of 1980s rock with style and flair. Cast three young women who sing and act well as a unit.
  • PROTESTOR #1, #2 and #3 - a group of die-hard rockers helping Anita save the Sunset Strip. Be sure to remind your troops that these ensemble parts are the bedrock for the show. They must capture the need and desire to keep rock alive and kicking. Cast dynamic speakers.
  • THE BAND (Lead Guitarist, Second Guitar, Bass, Piano and Drums) - members of Arsenal, once led by Stacee Jaxx but are now separating from their front man. You can tackle this casting in two ways. If you have cast members who are proficient musicians, let them rock out! If you don't have musicians on hand, your performers can easily act like they're playing the instruments (these roles could be played by either guys or girls and could also perform in the ensemble). Either way works just fine as long as they can sell the spirit of the music.
  • CONSTANCE SACK - an inquisitive reporter who interviews Stacee Jaxx just as he's about to part ways with his band. Cast a performer for this non-singing role who can infuse this curious reporter with energy and poise.
  • JA'KEITH GILL - becomes Drew's agent and in the process, destroys Drew's rock star dreams by forcing Drew to join a boy band. This is a nice featured role that can be played by a male or female and requires reasonable acting and singing skills.
  • THE LADIES OF THE VENUS-A-GO-GO CLUB - should be cast as an ensemble who can carve out their own individual personalities within a fun, unified company. Cast young ladies with nice singing voices and solid movement skills.
  • SLEAZY RECORD PRODUCER and a SLEAZIER RECORD PRODUCER - these roles require a bit of singing but a mainly a sight gag and can be played by boys or girls.
  • PRODUCER (Orion) - sees Sherrie as the next Molly Ringwald and offers her his card (which is a picture of his beach house in Malibu). This is a non-singing role.
  • ROCKER - a featured role who hangs at The Bourbon Room with Joey Primo. This is a great role for one of your guys who has a strong speaking voice but may not have the strongest singing voice.
  • RIOT POLICE, WOMAN IN A SEQUIN GOWN, GIRL and BARTENDER - cameo roles, some with a few speaking lines, and all feed into the vivid world of the Sunset Strip of the 1980s. Woman in a Sequin Gown is a sight gag to punctuate Dennis's impromptu Academy Award acceptance speech -- no singing or speaking is required. The Riot Police break up the protesters physically at the top of Act 2. Cast these roles from your ensemble using a combination of both boys and girls. Furthermore, the ensemble is used throughout to support the action and build the environment of the play.
  • Name Price
    Perusal Material Shipped immediately. This is optional. Order Now

    1 x Libretto/Vocal Book (Student Script)

    Rehearsal Material Shipped upon receipt of a signed License Agreement and full payment of all invoices. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.

    2 x Piano/Conductor's Scores
    30 x Libretto/Vocal Books (Student Scripts)
    1 x Production Guide
    1 x Digital Production Pack (sent via digital distribution)

    Rehearsal Material Set explained:-

    Piano Conductor’s Score – This score includes a piano reduction of the music for use during rehearsals or in performance, should you choose not to use the Accompaniment Tracks. Also included is specific information for the music director detailing the style of the music and how best to approach teaching and shaping the music for this production.

    Libretto/Vocal Book (Student Script) – The Student Script is made up of the script and music. The book is broken into three sections. The first section is titled “Theatre 101” and encourages your students to become familiar with the history of Rock of Ages, guides students on how to best use their script, provides an overview of the rehearsal process, and includes a list of characters and a plot synopsis of the show. The second section of the Student Script is the script of the show, as adapted by iTheatrics for this collection. The Vocal Book, which includes all of the music sung in the show, is interpolated throughout the script so your students have the music right at their fingertips when a song starts. It’s important to take the time to review the “Theatre 101” section of the Student Script with your students. By doing so, you will provide your students with the foundation and shared vocabulary necessary to successfully present this musical.

    Production Guide – This guide walks you through the entire process of presenting this musical.

    Digital Production Pack
    – This file includes audition sides, audition music, audition forms, a music cue sheet, props list, scene-by-scene set breakdown, a list of costumes by character, logos for the show, Vocal Guide Tracks and much, much more.

    Vocal Guide Tracks (included in the Digital Production Pack) – These recordings include all of the show’s songs performed by young singers and are designed to be used during rehearsals.

    Stage|Tracks Shipped with (or after) Rehearsal Material. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.

    ROCS StageTracks - Stage|Tracks provides quality performance tracks for your production. With the best sounding tracks at an affordable price, Stage|Tracks will greatly enhance your production if you do not have live musicians to accompany the show. However, you should be advised that while Stage|Tracks provides quality performance tracks of the full orchestration, it is not recommended to be used alongside live musicians.

    Orchestral Material Shipped with (or after) Rehearsal Material. This is optional.

    1 x Bass
    1 x Drums
    1 x Guitar 1
    1 x Guitar 2

    The Orchestral Materials are Optional and are sent $ Free of Charge with the Rehearsal Materials if requested.

    Show|Ready Shipped upon receipt of a signed License Agreement and full payment of all invoices. This is optional.

    With Show|Ready, you can virtually send your Musical Director home with each and every member of your cast! Show|Ready allows you to play a customizable rehearsal track of your show, complete with individual vocal parts and all dance breaks on a Mac, PC, and soon of your iOS device. Your musical director simply uploads any edits made at that day's rehearsal and your cast can access and download the newest version with all of the new changes! This enables your entire cast to rehearse correctly from the beginning, saving you valuable time and effort.

    With an intuitive, Show|Ready gives you complete control over which parts you hear, and lets you modify the key or tempo and cut, vamp, or repeat measuresas you please. All shows include the piano, bass, drum, and all vocal parts, as well as a sheet music viewer that automatically displays the piano/conductor score and changes the page as you listen and navigate throughout the show.
