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Two and Two Together

  • Derek Benfield
  • Full Length Play, Comedy, Contemporary
  • 4M, 3F
  • ISBN: 9780573019470

Rachel's husband Victor never suspects that she is keeping an assignation with a young man in the house of her good friend Georgina.

  • Full Length Play
  • Comedy

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Set Requirements: Unit Set/Multiple Settings
Rachel's husband Victor never suspects that she is keeping an assignation with a young man in the house of her good friend Georgina. Why should he? He has other things on his mind - in the shape of the said Georgina, who he is meeting secretly while her husband Henry, an actor, is safely occupied in the theatre. But Henry returns home unexpectedly and the two couples are forced into a riotous whirlwind of lies and misunderstandings...

Premiere Production: Two and Two Together was first produced at the Contra-Kreis Theatre in Bonn, Germany, on November 6th, 1997.
  • Casting: 4M, 3F

  • FRANK - a young man pursued by Rachel
    RACHEL - Victor's wife, in pursuit of Frank
    VICTOR - a businessman, in pursuit of Georgina
    GEORGINA - Henry's wife, pursued by Victor
    PROCTER - a man -- with a dog -- who watches
    HENRY - an actor, unaware of possible infidelity
    MRS. CAPSTICK - a cleaning lady who listens
  • Name Price
    Two and Two Together Script Order Now

    Rachel's husband Victor never suspects that she is keeping an assignation with a young man in the house of her good friend Georgina. Why should he? He has other things on his mind - in the shape of the said Georgina, who he is meeting secretly while her husband Henry, an actor, is safely occupied in the theatre. But Henry returns home unexpectedly and the two couples are forced into a riotous whirlwind of lies and misunderstandings...
