New musical lovingly based on Lucy Maud Montgomery’s timeless classic with its unforgettable characters, “Anne of Green Gables” brings the comical adventures of spunky red-headed orphan Anne Shirley to life, as she wins over her new family and the rest of Prince Edward Island, as well, with her spirit and imagination in this heartwarming story about love, family, and home.
ANNE SHIRLEY: An orphan girl with a vivid imagination who is mistakenly brought to the home of brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, and lives with them on their farm, Green Gables. Anne is stubborn, passionate, loyal, and intelligent.
MARILLA CUTHBERT: An elderly single woman who raises Anne - she is stern yet caring but doesn't let that side of her nature show.
MATTHEW CUTHBERT: A bachelor farmer who lives at Green Gables with his sister, Marilla - Matthew is painfully shy and instantly likes Anne who considers Matthew a kindred spirit.
GILBERT BLYTHE: A handsome and smart young man who becomes Anne's rival when he makes the mistake of teasing her about her red hair. Anne swears never to speak to Gilbert.
DIANA BARRY: Anne's best friend - a pretty girl Anne's age who lives next door to Green Gables. Diana and Anne become bosom friends immediately after they meet.
RACHEL LYNDE: The town busybody, she likes nothing better than to share her opinion with everyone and never fails to advise Marilla on how to raise Anne.
MRS. SPENCER: The woman who arranges to bring Anne to Matthew and Marilla instead of the boy orphan they requested.
MR. PHILLIPS / STATIONMASTER: Mr. Phillips is the schoolmaster in Avonlea - a boring disciplinarian. He may also portray the Avonlea Stationmaster.
MRS. BLEWETT: A nasty, stingy woman living in Avonlea who offers to take Anne in as a babysitter, maid, and cook when she learns that Marilla intends to replace her with a boy orphan.
MINISTER / DOCTOR:The Minister is a kindly man who is the religious leader for the people of Avonlea. Doctor is the Neighborhood Doctor of Avonlea.
MRS. BARRY: Diana's mother, Mrs. Barry, is a severe, unforgiving woman. She is quick to condemn Anne when Anne makes mistakes.
MINNIE MAE BARRY: She is Diana Barry's little sister who goes to the Avonlea school.
JANE ANDREWS: A plain and sensible girl in Anne's group of friends - she is steadfast and reliable.
JOSIE PYE: A girl in Anne's class - a "born trouble-maker" - who likes Gilbert and resents Anne for the feelings he has for her.
RUBY GILLIS / SHOP GIRL: Ruby Gillis is one of the girls in Anne's class. The Shop Girl seels Matthew the Puffy Sleeves dress.
MOODY SPURGEON: One of the boys in Anne's class at the Avonlea school who never ceases to get into trouble.
CHARLIE SLOAN: One of the boys in Anne's class - Tommy's brother, Gilbert's best friend.
TOMMY SLOAN: One of the boys in Anne's class - Charlie's brother.
Name | Price |
Perusal Material
Shipped immediately. This is optional.
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1 x Script / Vocal Book / Score Sampler |
$24.00 |
Digital Perusal Material
Shipped immediately. This is optional.
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1 x Script / Vocal Book / Score Sampler |
$10.00 |
Pre-Production Pack
Shipped upon receipt of a signed License Agreement and full payment of all invoices. This is optional.
1 x Cast Script/Vocal Book |
$75.00 |
Rehearsal Material
Shipped a minimum of 3 months before the last performance. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.
20 x Cast Scripts/Vocal Books |
$550.00 +$135.00/pm |