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The Merry Pranks of Tyll

This engaging comedy is built on the adventures of the playful, lighthearted, lovable German rogue, Tyll Eulenspiegel, who exposed evil through laughter.

  • Full Length Play
  • Comedy
  • 60 minutes

  • Target Audience: Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Teen (Age 14 - 18)
  • Set Requirements: Unit Set/Multiple Settings

  • Performance Group:
  • Community Theatre, College Theatre / Student
This engaging comedy is built on the adventures of the playful, lighthearted, lovable German rogue, Tyll Eulenspiegel, who exposed evil through laughter.

Tyll eludes his parents and gains admittance to the king's palace by way of the kitchen. He wins the friendship of the cook, confounds the wise men, and charms the king and queen. Skillfully exposing all their pretensions through his pranks, he places the wise men in jeopardy.

Fearful of Tyll's rising power, they lay a plot to dispose of him. But the wily Tyll escapes their clutches and lives to twit the king and queen into recognition of their own faults. 

  • Casting: 2M, 4F, 7M or F

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The Merry Pranks of Tyll Script Order Now

This engaging comedy is built on the adventures of the playful, lighthearted, lovable German rogue, Tyll Eulenspiegel, who exposed evil through laughter. Tyll eludes his parents and gains admittance to the king's palace by way of the kitchen. He wins the friendship of the cook, confounds the wise men, and charms the king and queen. Skillfully exposing all their pretensions through his pranks, he places the wise men in jeopardy. Fearful of Tyll's rising power, they lay a plot to dispose of him. But the wily Tyll escapes their clutches and lives to twit the king and queen into recognition of their own faults. Two sets with proscenium interludes. Medieval costumes. Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
