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If Boys Wore the Skirts

Here's a satire on what may happen if women continue to copy the clothes that men wear.

  • One Act
  • Comedy
  • 25 minutes

  • Time Period: Present Day
  • Target Audience: Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Teen (Age 14 - 18)
  • Set Requirements: Interior Set

  • Performance Group:
  • Community Theatre, High School/Secondary
Here's a satire on what may happen if women continue to copy the clothes that men wear. According to this play, in self-defense the men may take to wearing feminine things. Here we see a bunch of rugged males forced into skirts. The setting is a schoolroom in the present. 

  • Casting: 6M, 7F
  • Casting Attributes: Room for Extras

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If Boys Wore the Skirts Script Order Now

Here's a satire on what may happen if women continue to copy the clothes that men wear. According to this play, in self-defense the men may take to wearing feminine things. Here we see a bunch of rugged males forced into skirts. The setting is a schoolroom in the present. One int. set.
