This collection presents the winners of the 1999 Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival one-act play competition, selected from the eight ACTF designated regions of the country.
Muerte en la Mente (Death on My Mind) by Raul H. Castillo. After the truck crash, two friends who attempted to smuggle "illegals" now face their own struggle for life on the Mexico/U.S. border.
Gordon Sumlak-Langlois' Blind Harassment deals with all levels of discrimination and the stereotypes of harassment found in modern society.
In Two Thieves in a Trap by Tom Gannon, three guys, a golf course and a judge all converge to create a funny and poignant human tale of fear and adaptation.
Mint Juleps by James Pinkowski. Two old friends meet for tea in an out-of-the-way cafe. Through a cryptic exchange, they uncover the personal mysteries and secrets that time and space have buried in their irretrievable past.
Jason Taylor's Don't Encourage Him is a hilarious autobiographical one-man show that tells the tale of growing up on a farm in Iowa with brotherly rivalry to spare.
In Marianne Sexton-Kelley's A Thousand Words one character who cannot speak is the focus of love and concern in this portrait of life in a community where people care deeply about the fortunes of others.
In Park Angel by Isaac N. Perelson, Josh's sister tries to reach out to him while he avoids the issues she raises while a stranger on the park bench helps him discover his sense of self and guides him to understanding.
Slipping Him the Tongue by Mark Kenneally is a comedy about the Bard from Avon which explores the wit and vitality of the legendary playwright in a contemporary setting.