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Beloved Dearly, The

  • Doug Cooney
  • Full Length Play, Comedy, Contemporary
  • 4M, 6F
  • ISBN: BA2

Twelve-year-old Ernie is always looking for a fast buck. This time, the middle-school tycoon stumbles onto a money-making bonanza: pet funerals for kids.

  • Full Length Play
  • Comedy
  • 80 minutes

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Teen (Age 14 - 18), Children (Age 6 - 10), Appropriate for all audiences
  • Set Requirements: Unit Set/Multiple Settings

  • Performance Group:
  • High School/Secondary, College Theatre / Student, Jr High/Primary, Community Theatre

  • Accolades:
  • Winner! TADA!'s First Look Prize
Twelve-year-old Ernie is always looking for a fast buck. This time, the middle-school tycoon stumbles onto a money-making bonanza: pet funerals for kids.

He hires Dusty to decorate the burial boxes and Tony to dig the holes, but his prize find is a tomboy named Swimming Pool who delivers a crying jag not to be missed. Business goes through the roof, that is, until Ernie loses Swimming Pool over a raise and the whole venture unravels. "It's only after his own pet departs for the canine hereafter that Ernie realizes just how much more there is to life (and death) than making money." (New York Times

A special comedy about business, friendships, loss and how we learn to express our feelings. Awarded TADA!'s First Look Prize and toured by Lincoln Center Institute. 

Premiere Production: World premiere production produced by TADA! in New York City. Artistic Director: Janine Nina Trevens.
  • Casting: 4M, 6F
  • Casting Attributes: Reduced casting (Doubling Possible), Room for Extras

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The Beloved Dearly Script Order Now

Twelve-year-old Ernie is always looking for a fast buck. This time, the middle-school tycoon stumbles onto a money-making bonanza: pet funerals for kids. He hires Dusty to decorate the burial boxes and Tony to dig the holes, but his prize find is a tomboy named Swimming Pool who delivers a crying jag not to be missed. Business goes through the roof'that is, until Ernie loses Swimming Pool over a raise and the whole venture unravels. It's only after his own pet departs for the canine hereafter that Ernie realizes just how much more there is to life (and death) than making money (New York Times). A special comedy about business, friendships, loss and how we learn to express our feelings. Awarded TADA!'s First Look Prize and toured by Lincoln Center Institute. Unit set.
