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Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (1993 UK TOUR VERSION w/- MEGAMIX) 1993 UK Tour Version

The Biblical saga of Joseph and his coat of many colours comes to vibrant life in this delightful parable.

  • Full Length Musical
  • Rock Musical

  • Time Period: Biblical
  • Target Audience: Appropriate for all audiences
  • Set Requirements: JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT takes place 'way, way back many centuries ago, not long after the Bible began' in the land of Canaan and Egypt. SETTINGS INCLUDE Jacob's home, The desert, Potiphar's home, A jail cell, Pharaoh's palace

  • Performance Group:
  • High School/Secondary, Church / Religious Groups, Community Theatre

  • Accolades:
  • 2 Awards for Best Set Design and Best Costume Design
The Biblical saga of Joseph and his coat of many colors comes to vibrant life in this delightful musical parable. Joseph, his father's favorite son, is a boy blessed with prophetic dreams. When he is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and taken to Egypt, Joseph endures a series of adventures in which his spirit and humanity are continually challenged. He is purchased by Potiphar where thwarting advances from Potiphar's wife lands him in jail. When news of Joseph's gift to interpret dreams reaches the Pharaoh (wryly and riotously depicted as Elvis), Joseph is well on his way to becoming second in command. Eventually his brothers, having suffered greatly, unknowingly find themselves groveling at the feet of the brother they betrayed but no longer recognize. After testing their integrity, Joseph reveals himself leading to a heartfelt reconciliation of the sons of Israel. Set to an engaging cornucopia of musical styles, from country-western and calypso to bubble-gum pop and rock 'n' roll, this Old Testament tale emerges both timely and timeless.

New Features for This Version
** The Megamix!
** New Larger 15-Book Orchestration with a new Conductor’s Full Score (Creates a fuller sound than the existing 10-book orchestration)
** Expanded Music and Dance Sections (Including the “One More Angel” Hoedown; the “Go, Go, Go Joseph” Dance Break; and “Song Of The King” Reprise)
** New Keys For Major Songs (For easier performance)
** Expanded Choir (Allowing greater ensemble participation)


"The lyrical vitality gives this show its enduring freshness... This is a show that still comes up on top, every time."

Mark Shenton What's On Stage

"The best kind of feel-good show, unashamed, warm-hearted and irresistable."

John Peter Sunday Times

"JOSEPH is the youthful folly with which the ceaselessly tuneful composer and wonderfully inventive lyricist first announced their talent to the world. There's an infectious pleasure both to the tunes and the words that still, more than 30 years later, completely captivates."

Mark Shenton What's On Stage

"Still amazing. An evening of real pleasure."

Daily Telegraph

"Enormously enjoyable. An evening entirely without the snobbery that so often infects theatre. Real fun."

The Guardian

"This enchanting musical explodes like glittering fireworks. A brilliant celbration of words, music and colour."

John Peter
  • Casting: 17M, 1F, 1M or F
  • Casting Notes: *Productions with both ADULTS and CHILDREN: ADULTS follow 'Boys & Girls' vocal part CHILDREN follow "Choir" vocal part.

    ENSEMBLE - Chorus of Men (doubled by Brothers) and Women. Optional Children's Chorus.
  • Name Price
    Rehearsal Material Shipped a minimum of 3 months before the last performance. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.

    20 Vocal Scores

    $550.00 +$135.00/pm
    Orchestral Material Shipped a minimum of 1 month before the last performance. This is optional.

    2 Full Score (Act 1 & Act 2)
    1 Bass (Acoustic Bass, Bass Guitar)
    1 Cello
    1 Drums (Bells, Mallets, Sticks, Cym, High Hat, Toms, Cowbell, Snare)
    1 Guitar I (Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar)
    1 Guitar II (12 String Guitar, Electric Guitar)
    1 Horn
    1 Keyboard I (Synthesizer)
    1 Keyboard II (Synthesizer)
    1 Percussion  (Sleigh Bells, Tubular Bells, Cymbal, Suspended Cymbal, Xylophone, Tambourine, Timpani, Mark Tree, Bell Tree, Vibraphone, Glockenspiel, Tam-Tam, Woodblocks, Gong, Cabasa, Finger Cymbal, Cowbell, Siren, Chimes, Castanets, Flexitone, Cuicas or Congas)
    1 Piano (Synthesizer)
    1 Viola
    1 Violin I
    1 Violin II
    1 Woodwind I (Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax)
    1 Woodwind II (Oboe, English Horn)

    $350.00 +$135.00/pm
    Perusal Material Shipped immediately. This is optional. Order Now

    1 Vocal Score

    Show|Ready Shipped upon receipt of a signed License Agreement and full payment of all invoices. This is optional.

    With Show|Ready, you can virtually send your Musical Director home with each and every member of your cast! Show|Ready allows you to play a customizable rehearsal track of your show, complete with individual vocal parts and all dance breaks on a Mac, PC, and soon of your iOS device. Your musical director simply uploads any edits made at that day's rehearsal and your cast can access and download the newest version with all of the new changes! This enables your entire cast to rehearse correctly from the beginning, saving you valuable time and effort.

    With an intuitive, Show|Ready gives you complete control over which parts you hear, and lets you modify the key or tempo and cut, vamp, or repeat measuresas you please. All shows include the piano, bass, drum, and all vocal parts, as well as a sheet music viewer that automatically displays the piano/conductor score and changes the page as you listen and navigate throughout the show.

    Stage|Tracks Shipped upon receipt of a signed License Agreement and full payment of all invoices. This is optional.

    Stage|Tracks provides quality performance tracks, edited to integrate your individual changes from Show|Ready. With the best sounding tracks at an affordable price, Stage|Tracks will greatly enhance your production if you do not have live musicians to accompany the show. However, you should be advised that while Stage|Tracks provides quality performance tracks of the full orchestration, it is not recommended to be used alongside live musicians.

    Because Stage|Tracks is built on the information created in Show|Ready, you must first purchase Show|Ready in order to get Stage|Tracks.

