Based on the novel of the same name, this show follows Jamie, an aspiring writer stuck in fact-checking, as he hides from pain and loss by partying in the drug-infested clubs on Manhattan during the 1980s.
“Goodman's music is exhilarating; it convincingly evokes the sound of 1980s rock without resorting to parody, but does not sound dated. The arrangements shine."
Tim Dunleavy
"The show’s rock-music score is a tribute to what can be accomplished when one blends rock music and musical theatre, and is both fun and meaningful to listen to... for anyone interested in the progression of modern musical theatre.”
Michael Bihovsky Review Stream
Name | Price |
Perusal Material
Shipped immediately. This is optional.
1 x Libretto/Vocal |
$24.00 |
Rehearsal material
Shipped a minimum of 3 months before the last performance. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.
20 x Libretto-Vocal |
$550.00 +$135.00/pm |
Orchestral Material
Shipped a minimum of 1 month before the last performance. This is optional.
1 x Keyboard I/Conductor |
$350.00 +$135.00/pm |