Steven Peros' intriguing play is a well wrought tale of love and loss, set against the sweeping background of the golden era of Hollywood...while the characters are fictional, they take on a life of their own and end up eerily reminiscent and real...Karlaboy could rightly take its place among the more innovative and involving productions currently on the Los Angeles theatre scene
Steven Peros' intriguing play is a well wrought tale of love and loss, set against the sweeping background of the golden era of Hollywood... while the characters are fictional, they take on a life of their own and end up eerily reminiscent and real...Karlaboy could rightly take its place among the more innovative and involving productions currently on the Los Angeles theatre scene
A wonderful experience...What rings through this fascinating play is the brilliant dialogue. Steven Peros has an ear for dialogue of this type - highly intelligent, witty and on the mark. You'll see many a show before you come across talk this stimulating.
The Tolucan
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Karlaboy Script
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Biographer Bill Lauder has penned a ruthless tell-all about Karla Daven, a long dead legendary 1950's starlet. As a result, he is summoned in the middle of the night to the dilapidated mansion of Karla's celebrity husband, Harold Bachman, a reclusive director who makes the outlandish claim that Karla's ghost has threatened to kill him this very night unless Bill calls off the publication of his tawdry book of lies.What follows is an intense evening where memory wrestles with myth in order to find the truth. As Harold gets deeper into exposing Bill's lies about Karla, he is forced to confront the lies he's told himself – lies about himself as a filmmaker, a husband, and as a man. Harold must not only save himself from Karla's ghost, but from the ghosts of an unrealized life. In addition to being an absorbing psychological ghost story, KARLABOY is an important, non-graphic exploration of LGBT issues in its fascinating dissection of a high profile Hollywood 'marriage of convenience'. |
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