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  • Nick Hall
  • Short Play, Comedy
  • 2M, 2F
  • ISBN: 9780573624261

Sir Peter, has planned a dinner for two. His companion is Viola, a young chorus girl. But he's forgotten it's his wedding anniversary-- his wife, Lady Alexandra, comes home early and aided by the butler, Medford, turns Sir Peter's evening into a shambles.

  • Short Play
  • Comedy

  • Set Requirements: Interior Set
Sir Peter, has planned a dinner for two. His companion is Viola, a young chorus girl. But he's forgotten it's his wedding anniversary-- his wife, Lady Alexandra, comes home early and aided by the butler, Medford, turns Sir Peter's evening into a shambles.

Medford interrupts the dinner disguised as a policeman-- then Lady Alexandra appears in a Salvation Army uniform-- then Medford in the guise of a gypsy violinist-- and finally the two of them disguised as Sir Peter's parents. Viola-- unlike Sir Peter-- is unaware of their true identity and leaves in a huff. Sir Peter and his wife make up and sit down to an anniversary supper.

  • Casting: 2M, 2F

  • SIR PETER TANFORD - aged about 50
    MADFORD - 25
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    Sir Peter, has planned a dinner for two. His companion is Viola, a young chorus girl. But he's forgotten it's his wedding anniversary-- his wife, Lady Alexandra, comes home early and aided by the butler, Medford, turns Sir Peter's evening into a shambles. Medford interrupts the dinner disguised as a policeman-- then Lady Alexandra appears in a Salvation Army uniform-- then Medford in the guise of a gypsy violinist-- and finally the two of them disguised as Sir Peter's parents. Viola-- unlike Sir Peter-- is unaware of their true identity and leaves in a huff. Sir Peter and his wife make up and sit down to an anniversary supper.
