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  • Eric Chappell
  • Full Length Play, Comedy
  • 3M, 2F
  • ISBN: 9780573019432

Imagine returning from a pleasant anniversary celebration to find that your house has been burgled. In this witty thriller, the culprit is still in the house and, for a while, he convinces the returning couples that he is a policeman.

  • Full Length Play
  • Comedy

  • Set Requirements: Interior Set
Imagine returning from a pleasant anniversary celebration to find that your house has been burgled. In this witty thriller, the culprit is still in the house and, for a while, he convinces the returning couples that he is a policeman. Unmasked as the thief, Spriggs reveals that he knows a number of uncomfortable truths that disrupt two seemingly happy marriages and one formerly strong friendship.

Premiere Production: Theft was first presented at the Theatre Royal, Windsor, on 28th June 1995.
  • Casting: 3M, 2F

  • TREVOR FARRINGTON - late 40s
    JOHN MILES - late 40s
    JENNY FARRINGTON - younger than Trevor
    BARBARA MILES - older than Jenny
    SPIGGS - 50s
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    Theft Script Order Now

    Imagine returning from a pleasant anniversary celebration to find that your house has been burgled. In this witty thriller, the culprit is still in the house and, for a while, he convinces the returning couples that he is a policeman. Unmasked as the thief, Spriggs reveals that he knows a number of uncomfortable truths that disrupt two seemingly happy marriages and one formerly strong friendship.
