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Blackout (Anderson)

  • Davey Anderson
  • Short Play, Drama, Contemporary
  • 1M, 1F, 10M or F
  • ISBN: 9780573052583

Inspired by the true stories of a young offender from Glasgow, a 15 year old who had committed a violent crime, this short play was part of the National Theatre's New Connections programme which commissions plays about and for young people and was presented to critical acclaim at the Royal National Theatre.

  • Short Play
  • Drama

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Teen (Age 14 - 18), Adult
  • Set Requirements: Bare Stage/Simple Set
  • Cautions: Intense Adult Themes

  • Performance Group:
  • College Theatre / Student
Inspired by the true stories of a young offender from Glasgow, a 15 year old who had committed a violent crime, this short play was part of the National Theatre's New Connections programme which commissions plays about and for young people and was presented to critical acclaim at the Royal National Theatre.

It's a hard-hitting play about getting bullied, fighting back, trying to make a name for yourself, turning vicious, doing something stupid, losing everything, then finding your way again.

  • Casting: 1M, 1F, 10M or F

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Blackout (Anderson) Script Order Now

Inspired by the true stories of a young offender from Glasgow, a 15 year old who had committed a violent crime, this short play was part of the National Theatre's New Connections programme which commissions plays about and for young people and was presented to critical acclaim at the Royal National Theatre.

It's a hard-hitting play about getting bullied, fighting back, trying to make a name for yourself, turning vicious, doing something stupid, losing everything, then finding your way again.
