Vanities: The Musical chronicles the life-affirming journey of three vivacious Texas teens from cheerleaders to sorority sisters to housewives to liberated women and beyond.
"Irresistibly winning!"
L.A. Times
"A charming celebration of friendship with an infectious score."
Radio Times
"May well outshine the three-decade prominence of Jack Heifner's original!"
Bob Verini, Variety
"[Has] satirical teeth and poignancy in its observation of dreams turned sour and bonds broken."
David Rooney, Variety
"An enjoyable new musical with an eclectic pop score!"
"[A] three-way portrait of American womanhood… both satirical and uplifting."
The Seattle Times
Name | Price |
Perusal Material
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1 x Libretto |
$24.00 |
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Vanities: The Musical chronicles the life-affirming journey of three vivacious Texas teens from cheerleaders to sorority sisters to housewives to liberated women and beyond. This musical captures a snapshot-sharp portrait of the lives, loves, disappointments, and dreams of these young women growing up during the turbulent sixties and seventies and reconnecting in the late 1980s. |
$24.95 |
Rehearsal Mateial
Shipped a minimum of 3 months before the last performance. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.
4 x Piano-Conductor Score |
$350.00 +$75.00/pm |