alphabetical author index

small (Multiplay Drama)

  • Holly Robinson
  • Full Length Play, Drama, Contemporary
  • 10M, 9F
  • ISBN: NHB-12924

A compassionate and probing exploration of youth and aging, nostalgia and regret, and the dangers of refusing to get old.

The Nick Hern Books Multiplay Drama series features large-cast plays specifically written to be performed by and appeal to young people. For more information, visit

  • Full Length Play
  • Drama

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Teen (Age 14 - 18)
  • Set Requirements: Bare Stage/Simple Set
  • Cautions: Mild Adult Themes, Strong Language

  • Performance Group:
  • High School/Secondary, College Theatre / Student
A compassionate and probing exploration of youth and aging, nostalgia and regret, and the dangers of refusing to get old.

All children grow up, but what if they could grow back down again? A new medical process is being attempted, and it's got an extraordinary aim: attempting to 'de-age' its volunteers back into young children.

The scientists don't know if it'll work. The doctors aren't sure if it should. And the friends and families of those undergoing the risky procedure can't understand why anybody would willingly do this in the first placeā€¦ Why would you want to be small again?

Holly Robinson's play small was first performed at Soho Theatre, London, in a production by Oxford School of Drama.

Content guidance: This play contains strong language and sexually explicit language, as well as exploration of adult themes including death, suicide, depression and neglect.

Scripts available through Nick Hern Books.

Premiere Production: Oxford School of Drama at Soho Theatre, London, 2019.
  • Casting: 10M, 9F