In Emlyn Williams' beloved semi-autobiographical play, a determined teacher in rural North Wales strives to help young local miners out of poverty by teaching them to read and write. Despite growing resistance from the community, she helps one young man, the unruly Morgan Evans, to forge a new future.
"Undeniably artful, affecting and hugely entertaining."
The Guardian
"It's that sense of voice, of education unlocking an ability to speak, that makes The Corn is Green such a powerful story."
"A tale of its time that can still seduce."
The Times
The Corn Is Green was first presented by Stephen Mitchell at the Duchess Theatre, London, on 20 September 1938, with Sybil Thorndike as Miss Moffat and the playwright as Morgan Evans. The play opened on Broadway at the National Theatre on 26 November 1940. Directed by Herman Shumlin, the Broadway production starred Ethel Barrymore and Richard Waring. On 22 April 2022, a new production of The Corn Is Green opened at the Lyttelton Theatre at the National Theatre, London, featuring Nicola Walker and Iwan Davies.
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Corn is Green, The Script
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