alphabetical author index

Light in the Village

  • John Clifford
  • Full Length Play, Drama
  • 3M, 2F
  • ISBN: 9781854591258

A devastatingly effective modern parable about poverty and corruption in an Indian village.

  • Full Length Play
  • Drama

  • Target Audience: Adult
  • Set Requirements: Bare Stage/Simple Set

  • Performance Group:
  • Community Theatre
A devastatingly effective modern parable about poverty and corruption in an Indian village.

John Clifford's play Light in the Village opens with the Goddess Kali addressing the audience in a broad Scottish accent. In the village, where poor people stay forever poor, governed by their corrupt masters, enlightenment takes many forms. Who will bring light to the village?

The play was first staged at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, in 1991.

Premiere Production: Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, 1991.
  • Casting: 3M, 2F
  • Casting Attributes: Expandable casting

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A devastatingly effective modern parable about poverty and corruption in an Indian village.

John Clifford's play Light in the Village opens with the Goddess Kali addressing the audience in a broad Scottish accent. In the village, where poor people stay forever poor, governed by their corrupt masters, enlightenment takes many forms. Who will bring light to the village?

The play was first staged at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, in 1991.
