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Tartuffe (Hampton, translation)

This translation of Molière's classic depiction of hypocrisy in action was done for the Royal Shakespeare Company.

  • Full Length Play
  • Comedy

This translation of Molière's classic depiction of hypocrisy in action was done for the Royal Shakespeare Company.


"The assumption behind this ferociously brilliant production is that Tartuffe is much too serious and alarming a work to be insulated behind any English equivalent of French classical style. The greatest compliment I can bestow on Hampton's translation is that... you hardly notice it. Plain, perfectly phrased blank verse does the job."

 London Times

Premiere Production: Tartuffe or The Impostor, translated by Christopher Hampton, was first performed at The Pit, London, on 20 July, 1983.
  • Casting: 9M, 4F

  • MADAME PERNELLE - Orgon's mother
    ORGON - Elmire's husband
    ELMIRE - Orgon's wife
    DAMIS - Orgon's son
    MARIANE - Orgon's daughter, in love with Valère
    VALÈRE - in love with Mariane
    CLÉANTE - Orgon's brother-in-law
    TARTUFFE - a hypocrite
    DORINE - Mariane's maid
    MONSIEUR LOYAL - a bailiff
    FLIPOTE - MMe Pernelle's maidservant
    LAURENT - Tartuffe's manservant
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    Tartuffe (Hampton, translation) Script This is optional. Order Now

    This translation of Molière's classic depiction of hypocrisy in action was done for the Royal Shakespeare Company.
