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The world's first show based on coming-out stories.

Published with "The act."

  • Monologues
  • Dramatic Comedy

  • Time Period: Contemporary
Few comings-out attract millions of YouTube views like Tom Daley's did. But for whoever's saying "I'm gay" it's a life-changing moment. Inspired by recent high-profile 'comings out' Outings is based on stories from gay men and women across the world.

  • Casting: 4M or F
  • Casting Notes: First performed with 4 actors.

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Outings Script Order Now

Few comings-out attract millions of YouTube views like Tom Daley's did. But for whoever's saying "I'm gay" it's a life-changing moment. Inspired by recent high-profile 'comings out' Outings is based on stories from gay men and women across the world.
