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Unvarnished Truth, The

  • Royce Ryton
  • Full Length Play, Dark Comedy
  • 4M, 4F
  • ISBN: 9780573114656

Tom and Annabel are a reasonably happy married couple. One evening they have an argument as to who loves the other most. A rough and tumble ensues, and Tom discovers to his horror that Annabel is dead.

  • Full Length Play
  • Dark Comedy

  • Set Requirements: Interior Set
Tom and Annabel are a reasonably happy married couple. One evening they have an argument as to who loves the other most. A rough and tumble ensues, and Tom discovers to his horror that Annabel is dead.

So starts a hectic evening of black farce which also involves Tom's policeman and his literary agent. It seems no woman can enter the house without rapidly becoming deceased. Annabel's mother and Tom's appalling landlady follow and disposal of bodies becomes an acute problem. The arrival of a grim police inspector complicates matters until a further corpse involves him too.

The hysterical ending finds the stage littered with female corpses, frantic males and a potential fifth victim banging on the door.

Premiere Production: The Unvarnished Truth was first presented by the Cambridge Theatre Company at the Civic Theatre, Darlington, on the 31st January, 1978 and transferred to the Phoenix Theatre, London, on the 13th April, 1978.
  • Casting: 4M, 4F

  • Name Price
    Unvarnished Truth, The Script Order Now

    Tom and Annabel are a reasonably happy married couple. One evening they have an argument as to who loves the other most. A rough and tumble ensues, and Tom discovers to his horror that Annabel is dead.

    So starts a hectic evening of black farce which also involves Tom's policeman and his literary agent. It seems no woman can enter the house without rapidly becoming deceased. Annabel's mother and Tom's appalling landlady follow and disposal of bodies becomes an acute problem. The arrival of a grim police inspector complicates matters until a further corpse involves him too.

    The hysterical ending finds the stage littered with female corpses, frantic males and a potential fifth victim banging on the door.
